perm filename HPP.LIS[AM,DBL] blob sn#500060 filedate 1980-04-07 generic text, type C, neo UTF8
C00001 00001
C00003 00002	.INDEXCHAR←NULL
C00005 00003		(3) <<HPP-65-1>
C00006 00004		(6) <<HPP-66-1 >(working paper)
C00007 00005		(9) <<HPP-67-1 >(working paper)
C00008 00006		(12) <<HPP-68-1>
C00010 00007		(17) <<HPP-69-1 >(working paper)
C00015 00008		(26) <<HPP-70-1>
C00018 00009		(31) <<HPP-71-1>
C00021 00010		(36) <<HPP-72-1>
C00024 00011		(42) <<HPP-73-1>
C00029 00012		(53) <<HPP-74-1>
C00033 00013		(60) <<HPP-75-1>
C00040 00014		(74) <<HPP-75-15>
C00041 00015		(76) <<HPP-76-1>
C00046 00016		(87) <<HPP-77-1>
C00062 00017		(126) <<HPP-78-1>
C00073 00018		(155) <<HPP-79-1>
C00083 00019		(156) <<HPP-80-1>
C00084 ENDMK
      Heuristic Programming Project Publications Since 1964
There are currently eight informal groups within the Heuristic
Programming Project:
	(1) <<HPP-64-1>
	J. Lederberg,
	"DENDRAL-64-A System for Computer Construction,
Enumeration and Notation of Organic Molecules
as Three Structures and Cyclic Graphs," 
(technical reports to NASA, also available from
the author and summarized in (12)).
     (1a) Part I. Notational algorithm for tree
          structures, 1964, CR.57029
     (1b) Part II. Topology of cyclic graphs, 1965, CR.68898
     (1c) Part III. Complete chemical graphs; embedding
          rings in trees, 1969.
.SKIP 2    
	(2) <<HPP-64-2>
	J. Lederberg,
	<<Computation of Molecular Formulas for Mass
Spectrometry>, San Francisco: Holden-Day, Inc., 1964.
.skip to column 1
	(3) <<HPP-65-1>
	J. Lederberg, 
	"Topological Mapping of Organic Molecules,"
<<Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci.>, <<53>, 1, 1965.  P. 134
	(4) <<HPP-65-2>
	J. Lederberg,
	"Systematics of Organic Molecules, Graph
Topology and Hamilton Circuits. A General outline of
the DENDRAL system." NASA CR-68899, 1965.
	(5) <<HPP-65-3 >(working paper)
	AIM-30, AD785056
	Edward A. Feigenbaum, Richard W. Watson,
	"An Initial Problem Statement for a Machine
Induction Research Project," April 1965.
.skip to column 1
	(6) <<HPP-66-1 >(working paper)
	AIM-38, AD785066
	Donald A. Waterman,
	"A Filter for a Machine Induction System," 
January 1966.
	(7) <<HPP-66-2>
	AIM-46, CS-50, PB176761
	Steffan Persson,
	"Some Sequence Extrapolating Programs:  a Study
of Representation and Modeling in Inquiring
Ph.D. Thesis in Computer Science, (U.C. Berkely September 1966).
	(8) <<HPP-66-3>
	Bruce Buchanan,
	"Logics of Scientific Discovery,"
Ph.D. Thesis  in Philosophy 
(Michigan State University December 1966).
.skip to column 1
	(9) <<HPP-67-1 >(working paper)
	Georgia Sutherland,
	"DENDRAL -- a Computer Program for Generating and Filtering Chemical
Structures," February 1967.
	(10) <<HPP-67-2>
	J. Lederberg,
	"Hamilton Circuits of Convex Trivalent Polyhedra (up to 18 vertices),"
<<Am. Math. Monthly>, <<74>, 5, 1967.
	(11) <<HPP-67-3>
	Joshua Lederberg, Edward A. Feigenbaum,
	"Mechanization of Inductive Inference in Organic Chemistry,"
in B. Kleinmuntz, (ed.), <<Formal Representations For Human Judgment>,
New York: Wiley, 1968.
.skip to column 1
	(12) <<HPP-68-1>
	Edward Feigenbaum, Georgia Sutherland, and Bruce Buchanan,
	"Heuristic DENDRAL: A Program for Generating Explanatory
Hypotheses in Organic Chemistry," in B.K. Kinariwala and F.F. Kuo (eds.), 
<<Proceedings of the Hawaii International Conference on System 
Sciences>, January 1968.
	(13) <<HPP-68-2>
	J. Lederberg, 
	"Online Computation of Molecular Formulas from Mass Number,"
NASA CR-94977, 1968.
	(14) <<HPP-68-3>
	Bruce G. Buchanan, Georgia Sutherland, and Edward A. Feigenbaum,
	"Heuristic DENDRAL: a Program for Generating Explanatory
Hypotheses in Organic Chemistry," in B. Melzer and D. Michie (Eds.), 
<<Machine Intelligence-4>, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 1969.
	(15) <<HPP-68-4>
	AIM-67 AD680487
	Edward A. Feigenbaum,
	"Artificial Intelligence:  Themes in the Second Decade,"
Information Processing 68, Amsterdam: North-Holland Publishing Co., 1969.
	(16) <<HPP-68-5>
	AIM-74, CS-118, AD681027
	Donald Waterman,
	"Machine Learning of Heuristics," 
Ph.D. Thesis in Computer Science, (Stanford University December 1968).
.skip to column 1
	(17) <<HPP-69-1 >(working paper)
	AIM-80, AD685612
	Georgia Sutherland,
	"Heuristic DENDRAL: a Family of LISP Programs," March 1969.
	(18) <<HPP-69-2>
	Bruce G. Buchanan, G.L. Sutherland, E.A. Feigenbaum,
	"Toward an Understanding of Information Processes of 
Scientific Inference in the Context of Organic Chemistry,"
in B. Meltzer and D. Michie, (eds.), <<Machine Intelligence 5>, 
Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 1970.
	(19) <<HPP-69-3>
	Donald A. Waterman,
	"Generalization Learning Techniques for Automating the Learning
of Heuristics," in <<Artificial Intelligence>, <<1>, 121, July 1969.
	(20) <<HPP-69-4>
	Joshua Lederberg, Georgia Sutherland, Bruce G. Buchanan,
	Edward A. Feigenbaum
"A Heuristic Program for Solving A Scientific Inference Problem:
Summary of Motivation and Implementation," in R. Banerji and Mesarovic (eds.),
<<Theoretical Approaches to Non-Numerical Problem Solving>, New York:
Springer-Verlag, 1970.
	(21) <<HPP-69-5>
	J. Lederberg, 
	"Topology of Molecules," in <<The Mathematical Sciences - 
A Collection of Esays>, edited by the National Research Council's
Committee on Support of Research in the Mathematical Sciences
(COSRIMS), Cambridge, Mass.: The M.I.T. Press, 1969.  P. 37.
	(22) <<HPP-69-6>
	J. Lederberg, G.L. Sutherland, B.G. Buchanan, E.A. Feigenbaum,
	A.V. Robertson, A.M. Duffield, and C. Djerassi,
"Applications of Artificial Intelligence for Chemical Inference
I. The Number of Possible Organic Compounds: Acyclic Structures
Containing C, H, O and N,"  <<Journal of the American Chemical
Society>,  <<91>, 2973, 1969.
	(23) <<HPP-69-7>
	A.M. Duffield, A.V. Robertson, C. Djerassi, B.G. Buchanan,
	G.L. Sutherland, E.A. Feigenbaum, and J. Lederberg,
"Application of Artificial Intelligence for Chemical 
Inference II. Interpretation of Low Resolution Mass
Spectra of Ketones," <<Journal of the American Chemical
Society>, <<91>, 2977, 1969.
	(24) <<HPP-69-8>
	C.W. Churchman and B.G. Buchanan,
	"On the Design of Inductive Systems: Some Philosophical
Problems," <<British Journal for the Philosophy of
Science>, <<20>, 311, 1969.
	(25) <<HPP-69-9>
	G. Schroll, A.M. Duffield, C. Djerassi, B.G. Buchanan,
	G.L. Sutherland, E.A. Feigenbaum, and J. Lederberg,
"Application of Artificial Intelligence for Chemical 
Inference III. Aliphatic Ethers Diagnosed by Their
Low Resolution Mass Spectra and NMR Data," <<Journal of
the American Chemical Society>, <<91>, 7440, 1969.
.skip to column 1
	(26) <<HPP-70-1>
	A. Buchs, A.B. Delfino, C. Djerassi, A.M. Duffield, B.G. Buchanan,
	E.A. Feigenbaum, J. Lederberg and G. Schroll,
"Application of Artificial Intelligence for Chemical
Inference IV. Saturated Amines Diagnosed by Their
Low Resolution Mass Spectra and Nuclear Magnetic
Resonance Spectra," <<Journal of the American Chemical
Society>, <<92>, 6831, 1970.
	(27) <<HPP-70-2>
	Bruce G. Buchanan, Thomas E. Headrick,
	"Some Speculation About Artificial Intelligence and
Legal Reasoning," <<Stanford Law Review>, <<23>, 40, November 1970.
	(28) <<HPP-70-3>
	Y.M. Sheikh, A. Buchs, A.B. Delfino, G. Schroll, A.M. Duffield,
	C. Djerassi, B.G. Buchanan, G.L. Sutherland, E.A. Feigenbaum and 
J. Lederberg,
"Applications of Artificial Intelligence for Chemical
Inference V. An Approach to the Computer Generation
of Cyclic Structures. Differentiation Between All The
Possible Isomeric Ketones of Composition C6H10O," 
<<Organic Mass Spectrometry>, <<4>, 493, 1970.
	(29) <<HPP-70-4>
	A. Buchs, A.B. Delfino, A.M. Duffield, C. Djerassi, B.G. Buchanan, 
	E.A. Feigenbaum and J. Lederberg,
"Applications of Artificial Intelligence for Chemical
Inference VI. Approach to a General Method of 
Interpreting Low Resolution Mass Spectra with a 
Computer," <<Helvetica Chimica Acta>, <<53>, 1394, 1970.
	(30) <<HPP-70-5>
	AIM-131, CS-176, AD715128
	Edward A. Feigenbaum, Bruce G. Buchanan, Joshua Lederberg,
	"On Generality and Problem Solving: a Case Study Using the
DENDRAL Program," in B. Meltzer and D. Michie (eds.), 
<<Machine Intelligence 6>, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 1971.
.skip to column 1
	(31) <<HPP-71-1>
	A. Buchs, A.B. Delfino, C. Djerassi, A.M. Duffield, B.G. Buchanan, 
	E.A. Feigenbaum, J. Lederberg, G. Schroll, and G.L. Sutherland,
"Applications of Artificial Intelligence for Chemical Inference VII.
The Application of Artificial Intelligence in the 
Interpretation of Low-Resolution Mass Spectra," <<Advances 
in Mass Spectrometry>, <<5>, 314, 1971.
	(32) <<HPP-71-2>
	AIM-141, CS-203, AD730506
	Bruce G. Buchanan, Joshua Lederberg,
	"The Heuristic DENDRAL Program for Explaining Empirical Data,"
in <<Proceedings of the IFIP Congress 71>, Ljubljana, Yugoslavia
February 1971.
	(33) <<HPP-71-3>
	AIM-147, CS-216, AD732457
	Robert E. Kling,
	"Reasoning by Analogy with Applications to
Heuristic Problem Solving: a Case Study,"
Ph.D. Thesis in Computer Science, August 1971.
	(34) <<HPP-71-4>
	B.G. Buchanan, E.A. Feigenbaum, and J. Lederberg, 
	"A Heuristic Programming Study of Theory Formation in 
Science," in <<Proceedings of the Second International
Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence>,
Imperial College, London, 1971.
	(35) <<HPP-71-5>
	B.G. Buchanan, A.M. Duffield, A.V. Robertson,
	"An Application of Artificial Intelligence to the Interpretation
of Mass Spectra," in G.W.A. Milne (ed.),  <<Mass Spectrometry 
Techniques and Applications>, New York: Wiley, 1971.
.skip to column 1
	(36) <<HPP-72-1>
	D.H. Smith, B.G. Buchanan, R.S. Engelmore, A.M. Duffield, A. Yeo,
	E.A. Feigenbaum, J. Lederberg, and C. Djerassi,
"Applications of Artificial Intelligence for Chemical Inference
VIII. An Approach to the Computer Interpretation of the High 
Resolution Mass Spectra of Complex Molecules. Structure 
Elucidation of Estrogenic Steroids," <<Journal of the American 
Chemical Society>, <<94>, 5962, 1972.
	(37) <<HPP-72-2>
	B.G. Buchanan, E.A. Feigenbaum, and N.S. Sridharan,
	"Heuristic Theory Formation: Data Interpretation and
Rule Formation," In B. Meltzer and D. Michie (eds.),
<<Machine Intelligence 7>, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 1972.
	(38) <<HPP-72-3>
	AIM-181, CS-325
	Bruce G. Buchanan,
	"Review of Hubert Dreyfus' 'What Computers Can't Do': a Critique
of Artificial Reason," <<Computing Reviews>, January 1973.
	(39) <<HPP-72-4>
	J. Lederberg, 
	"Rapid Calculation of Molecular Formulas from Mass Values,"
<<Journal of Chemical Education>, <<49>, 613, 1972.
	(40) <<HPP-72-5>
	Joshua Lederberg,
	"Use of a Computer to Identify Unknown Compounds:
The Automation of Scientific Inference," 
in George R. Waller (ed.), <<Biochemical Applications of Mass 
Spectrometry>, New York: Interscience, 1972.
	(41) <<HPP-72-6>
	H. Brown, L. Hjelmeland, and L. Masinter,
	"Constructive Graph Labeling Using Double Cosets," <<Discrete
Mathematics>, <<7>, 1, 1974.
.skip 2
	(41a) <<HPP-72-7>
	Sponsored by Mathematics and Computation Division
	"Mathematics And Computation", Invited paper presented to
	American Nuclear Society International Conference, November
	1972, Washington, D.C..
.skip to column 1
	(42) <<HPP-73-1>
	D.H. Smith, B.G. Buchanan, R.S. Engelmore, H. Aldercreutz and
	C. Djerassi,
"Applications of Artificial Intelligence for Chemical Inference
IX. Analysis of Mixtures Without Prior Separation as Illustrated
for Estrogens," <<Journal of the American Chemical Society>, 
<<95>, 6078, 1973.
	(43) <<HPP-73-2>
	D.H. Smith, B.G. Buchanan, W.C. White, E.A. Feigenbaum, C. Djerassi and 
	J. Lederberg, 
"Applications of Artificial Intelligence for Chemical Inference
X. INTSUM. A Data Interpretation Program as Applied to the
Collected Mass Spectra of Estrogenic Steroids," <<Tetrahedron>, 
<<29>, 3117, 1973.
	(44) <<HPP-73-3>
	Harold Brown and Larry Masinter,
	"An Algorithm for the Construction of the Graphs of
Organic Molecules," <<Discrete Mathematics>, <<8>, 227, 1974.
	(45) <<HPP-73-4>
	AIM-205, CS-370, AD764288
	N.S. Sridharan, et al,
	"A Heuristic Program to Discover Syntheses for Complex Organic
Molecules," June 1973.
	(46) <<HPP-73-5 >(working paper)
	N.S. Sridharan,
	"Computer Generation of Vertex Graphs," July 1973.
	(47) <<HPP-73-6>
	R. Carhart and C. Djerassi, 
	"Applications of Artificial Intelligence for Chemical 
Inference XI: The Analysis of C13 NMR  Data for Structure
Elucidation of Acyclic Amines," <<Journal of the American Chemical
Society (Perkin II)>, <<2>, 1753, 1973.
	(48) <<HPP-73-7>
	AIM-215, CS-387, AD769380
	B.G. Buchanan and N.S. Sridharan, 
	"Analysis of Behavior of Chemical Molecules:
Rule Formation on Non-Homogeneous Classes of Objects,"
in <<Proceedings of the Third International Joint 
Conference on Artificial Intelligence>, Stanford, California, August
	(49) <<HPP-73-8>
	D. Michie and B.G. Buchanan,
	"Current Status of the Heuristic DENDRAL Program for
Applying Artificial Intelligence to the Interpretation
of Mass Spectra," in R.A.G. Carrington, (ed.), <<Computers for 
Spectroscopy>, London: Adam Hilger, 1974. 
	(50) <<HPP-73-9>
	AIM-217, CS-391, AD770610
	N.S. Sridaran
	"Search Strategies for the Task of Organic  Chemical
Synthesis," August 1973.
	(51) <<HPP-73-10>
	E.H. Shortliffe, S.G. Axline, B.G. Buchanan, T.C. Merigan, S.N. Cohen,
	"An Artificial Intelligence Program to Advise Physicians Regarding
Antimicrobial Therapy," <<Computers and Biomedical Research>, <<6>, 544,
	(52) <<HPP-73-11>
	AIM-216, CS-389, AD71299
	Larry Masinter, N.S. Sridharan, J. Lederberg, D.H. Smith
	"Applications of Artificial Intelligence for Chemical Inference
XII: Exhaustive Generation of Cyclic and Acyclic Isomers," 
in <<Journal of the American Chemical Society>, <<96>, 7702,
.skip to column 1
	(53) <<HPP-74-1>
	E.H. Shortliffe, S. G. Axline, B.G. Buchanan, S.N. Cohen,
	"Design Considerations for a Program to Provide Consultations
in Clinical Therapeutics," in <<Proceedings of San Diego Biomedical 
Symposium>, February 1974.
	(54) <<HPP-74-2>
	AIM-251, CS-465, ADA001373
	Edward H.  Shortliffe,
	"MYCIN: A Rule-Based Computer Program for Advising Physicians 
Regarding Antimicrobial Therapy Selection," 
Ph.D. Thesis in <<Medical Information Sciences>, (October 1974).
Also in <<Computer-Based Medical Consultations: MYCIN>,
New York: American Elsevier, 1976.
	(55) <<HPP-74-3>
	B.G. Buchanan,
	"Scientific Theory Formation by Computer," in J.C. Simon (ed.),
<<Computer Aided Learning Processes, Nato Advanced Study Institutes 
Series, Series E: Applied Science>, <<14>, 515, Leyden: Noordhoff, 1976.
	(56) <<HPP-74-4>
	E.A. Feigenbaum,
	"Computer Applications: Introductory Remarks," in <<Proceedings of 
Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology>, <<33>, 2331,
	(57) <<HPP-74-5>
	L.M. Masinter, N.S. Sridharan, R.E. Carhart and D.H. Smith,
	"Applications of Artificial Intelligence for Chemical Inference XIII.
Labeling Of Objects Having Symmetry1,2," <<Journal of the American 
Chemical Society>, <<96>, 7714, 1974.
	(58) <<HPP-74-6>
	Dennis H. Smith, Larry M. Masinter and Natesa S. Sridharan,
	"Heuristic DENDRAL: Analysis of Molecular Structure," in W.T. Wipke, 
S Heler, R. Feldmann, and E. Hyde, (eds), <<Computer Representation and 
Manipulation of Chemical Information>, New York: Wiley, 1974.
	(59) <<HPP-74-7>
	Harold Brown,
	"Molecular Structure Elucidation III," <<SIAM Journal
of Applied Math>, <<32>, 3, May 1977.  P. 534.
.skip to column 1
	(60) <<HPP-75-1>
	E.H. Shortliffe, B.G. Buchanan,
	"A Model of Inexact Reasoning in Medicine," <<Mathematical
Biosciences>, <<23>, 351, 1975.
	(61) <<HPP-75-2>
	E.H. Shortliffe, R. Davis, S.G. Axline, B.G. Buchanan, C.C. Green,
	S.N. Cohen,
"Computer-Based Consultations in Clinical Therapeutics;
Explanation and Rule Acquisition Capabilities of the MYCIN System,"
<<Computers and Biomedical  Research>, <<8>, 303, August 1975.
	(62) <<HPP-75-3>
	E.H. Shortliffe, F.S. Rhame, S.G. Axline, S.N. Cohen, B.G. Buchanan, 
	R. Davis, A.C. Scott, R. Chavez-Pardo, and W.J. Van Melle,
"MYCIN: A Computer Program Providing Antimicrobial Therapy 
Recommendations," <<Clinical Medicine>, August 1975.
	(63) <<HPP-75-4>
	E.H. Shortliffe,
	"Judgmental Knowledge as a Basis for Computer-Assisted Clinical
Decision Making," in <<Proceedings of the 1975 International Conference 
on Cybernetics and Society>, September 1975.
	(64) <<HPP-75-5>
	E.H. Shortliffe, S. Axline, B.G. Buchanan, R. Davis, S. Cohen,
	"A Computer-Based Approach to the Promotion of Rational Clinical Use of
Antimicrobials," in William A. Gouveia, Gianni Tognoni, Eppo van der
Kleijn, (eds), <<Clinical Pharmacy and Clinical Pharmacology>, 
New York:  Elsevier/North-Holland Biomedical Press, 1976.
	(65) <<HPP-75-6>
	AIM-266, CS-517, ADA019641
	Randall Davis, Bruce Buchanan, Edward Shortliffe,
	"Production Rules as a Representation of a Knowledge-Based Consultation
Program," in <<Artificial Intelligence>, <<8>, 1, February 1977.
	(66) <<HPP-75-7>
	AIM-271, CS-524,, ADA019702/OWC
	Randall Davis, Jonathan King,
	"An Overview of Production Systems," in E.W. Elcock and Donald Michie,  
(eds.), <<Machine Intelligence 8;  Machine
Representations of Knowledge>, Chichester, England:  Ellis Horwood Ltd., 1977.
	(67) <<HPP-75-8>
	R.G. Dromey, B.G. Buchanan, J. Lederberg and C. Djerassi,
	"Applications of Artificial Intelligence for Chemical Inference XIV.
A General Method for Predicting Molecular Ions in Mass Spectra," 
<<Journal of Organic Chemistry>, <<40>, 770, 1975.
	(68) <<HPP-75-9>
	D.H. Smith,
	"Applications of Artificial Intelligence for Chemical Inference XV.
Constructive Graph Labelling Applied to Chemical Problems. 
Chlorinated Hydrocarbons," <<Analytical Chemistry>, <<47>, 1176, 1975.
	(69) <<HPP-75-l0>
	R.E. Carhart, D.H. Smith, H. Brown and N.S. Sridharan,
	"Applications of Artificial Intelligence for Chemical Inference XVI.
Computer Generation of Vertex Graphs and Ring Systems," <<Journal of 
Chemical Information and Computer Science>, <<15>, 124, 1975.
	(70) <<HPP-75-ll>
	R.E. Carhart, D.H. Smith, H. Brown and C. Djerassi,
	"Applications of Artificial Intelligence for Chemical Inference XVII
An Approach to Computer-Assisted Elucidation of Molecular Structure,"
<<Journal of the American Chemical Society>, <<97>, 5755, 1975.
	(71) <<HPP-75-12>
	E.H. Shortliffe, S.G. Axline, B.G. Buchanan, R. Davis, S.N. Cohen,
	"Computer-Assisted Consultations Regarding the Antimicrobial
Treatment of Bacteremia," Journal May 1975.
	(72) <<HPP-75-13>
	B.G. Buchanan, 
	"Applications of Artificial Intelligence to Scientific Reasoning," in 
<<Proceedings of Second USA-Japan Computer Conference>, American 
Federation of Information Processing Societies Press, August 1975.
	(73) <<HPP-75-14>
	R.E. Carhart, S.M. Johnson, D.H. Smith, B.G. Buchanan, R.G Dromey,
	J. Lederberg,
"Networking and a Collaborative Research Community: A Case Study Using
the DENDRAL Program," in P. Lykos (ed.), <<Computer Networking and 
Chemistry>, Washington, D.C.: American Chemistry Society, 1975.
.skip to column 1
	(74) <<HPP-75-15>
	D.H. Smith,
	"The Scope of Structural Isomerism," Artificial Intelligence for Chemical 
Inference XVIII, <<Journal of Chemical Information and Computer 
Sciences>, <<15>, 203, 1975.
.skip to column 1
	(75) <<HPP-75-16>
	E.H. Shortliffe, R. Davis,
	"Some Considerations for the Implementation of Knowledge-Based Expert 
Systems," <<SIGART Newsletter>, <<55>, 9, December 1975.
	(76) <<HPP-76-1>
	D.H.  Smith, J.P. Konopelski and C. Djerassi,
	"Applications of Artificial Intelligence for Chemical Inference XIX.
Computer Generation of Ion Structures," <<Organic Mass Spectrometry>, 
<<11>, 86, 1976.
	(77) <<HPP-76-2>
	Raymond E. Carhart and Dennis H. Smith,
	"Applications of Artificial Intelligence for Chemical Inference XX. 
Intelligent Use of Constraints in Computer-Assisted Structure 
Elucidation," <<Computers in Chemistry>, <<1>, 79, 1976.
	(78) <<HPP-76-3>
	C.J. Cheer, D.H. Smith, and C. Djerassi, B. Tursch, J.C. Braekman and 
	D. Daloze,
"Applications of Artificial Intelligence for Chemical Inference XXI.
Chemical Studies of Marine Interbrates - XVII. The Computer-Assisted
Identification of [+]-Palostrol in the Marine Organism Cespitularia 
sp., aff. subviridis," <<Tetrahedron>, <<32>, 1807, 1976.     
	(79) <<HPP-76-4>
	B.G. Buchanan, D.H. Smith, W.C. White, R.J. Gritter, E.A. Feigenbaum,
	J. Lederberg, and Carl Djerassi,
"Application of Artificial Intelligence for Chemical Inference XXII. 
Automatic Rule Formation in Mass Spectrometry by Means of the 
Meta-DENDRAL Program," <<Journal of the American Chemical Society>, 
<<98>, 6168, 1976.
	(80) <<HPP-76-5>
	T.H. Varkony, R.E. Carhart and D.H. Smith,
	"Applications of Artificial Intelligence for Chemical Inference XXIII.
Computer-Assisted Structure Elucidation. Modelling Chemical Reaction
Sequences Used in Molecular Structure Problems," in W.T. Wipke, (ed.),
<<Computer-Assisted Organic Synthesis>, Washington, D.C.: American 
Chemical Society, 1977.
	(81) <<HPP-76-6>
	D.H. Smith and R.E. Carhart
	"Applications of Artificial Intelligence for Chemical Inference
XXIV. Structural Isomerism of Mono and Sesquiterpenoid Skeletons 1,2-,"
<<Tetrahedron>, <<32>, 2513, May 1976.
	(82) <<HPP-76-7>
	AIM-283, CS-552
	Randall Davis,
	"Applications of Meta Level Knowledge to the Construction, Maintenance
and Use of Large Knowledge Bases," 
Ph.D. Thesis in Computer Science, July 1976.
	(83) <<HPP-76-8>
	AIM-286, CS-570
	Douglas Lenat,
	"AM:  An Artificial Intelligence Approach to Discovery in Mathematics
as Heuristic Search,"
Ph.D. Thesis in Computer Science, July 1976.
	(84) <<HPP-76-9 >
	AIM-291, CS-577
	Bruce G. Buchanan, Joshua Lederberg, John McCarthy,
	"Three Reviews of J. Weizenbaum's <<Computer Power and Human Reason>,"
November 1976.
	(85) <<HPP-76-10>
	Bruce G. Buchanan and Dennis Smith,
	"Computer Assisted Chemical Reasoning", In E.V. Ludena, N.H. Sabelli and
A.C. Wahl (eds.), <<Computers in Chemical Education and Research>,
New York: Plenum Press, 1977.
	(86) <<HPP-76-11>
	Raymond E. Carhart,
	"A Model-Based Approach to the Teletype Printing of
Chemical Structures," <<Journal of Chemical Information 
and Computer Sciences>, <<16>, 82, 1976.
.skip to column 1
	(87) <<HPP-77-1>
	A.C. Scott, W. Clancey, R. Davis, E.H. Shortliffe,
	"Explanation Capabilities of Knowledge-Based Production Systems,"
<<American Journal of Computational Linguistics>, Microfiche 62,
Knowledge-Based Consultation Systems, 1977.
	(88) <<HPP-77-2 >(working paper)
	Robert S. Engelmore and H. Penny Nii
	"A Knowledge-Based System for the Interpretation of Protein X-Ray
Crystallographic Data," January 1977.
	(89) <<HPP-77-3>
	B.G. Buchanan, R. Davis, V. Yu and S. Cohen,
	"Rule Based Medical Decision Making by Computer,"
<<Proceedings of MEDINFO.77>, Toronto, 1977.
	(90) <<HPP-77-4>
	Tom M. Mitchell and Gretchen M. Schwenzer
	"Applications of Artificial Intelligence for Chemical Inference
XXV. A Computer Program For Automated Empirical 13C NMR Rule 
Formation," <<Organic Magnetic Resonance> Vol. 11, No. 8, 378, 1978.
	(91) <<HPP-77-5 >(working paper)
	Mark Stefik and Nancy Martin,
	"A Review of Knowledge-Based Systems as a Basis for a Genetics Experiment
Designing System," February 1977.
	(92) <<HPP-77-6>
	Bruce G. Buchanan and Tom Mitchell.
	"Model-Directed Learning of Production Rules," in D.A. Waterman and 
F. Hayes-Roth (eds.), <<Pattern-Directed Inference Systems>, 
New York:  Academic Press, 1978.
	(93) <<HPP-77-7 >
	H. Penny Nii and Edward A. Feigenbaum,
	"Rule-based Understanding of Signals," <<Proceedings of Pattern-Directed
Inference Systems>, May 1977.
	(94) <<HPP-77-8>
	R. Davis,
	"Knowledge Acquisition on Rule-based Systems: Knowledge about 
Representations as a Basis for System Construction and Maintenance,"
<<Proceedings of Pattern-Directed Inference>, May 1977.
	(95) <<HPP-77-9>
	R. Davis,
	"Interactive Transfer of Expertise I:  Acquisition of New Inference
Rules," <<Proceedings of Fifth IJCAI>, <<1>, 321, August 1977.
	(96) <<HPP-77-10>
	R. Davis,
	"A Decision Support System for Medical Diagnosis and Therapy 
Selection in Data Base," <<SIGBDP Newsletter>, <<8>, 58, Winter, 1977.
	(97) <<HPP-77-11>
	Dennis H. Smith and Raymond E. Carhart,
	"Structure Elucidation Based on Computer Analysis
of High and Low Resolution Mass Spectral Data,"
in M.L. Gross (ed.), <<Proceedings of the Symposium on Chemical 
Applications of High Performance Spectrometry>, Washington, D.C.:
American Chemical Society, in press.
	(98) <<HPP-77-12>
	Reid G. Smith,
	"The Contract Net: A Formalism For the Control of
Distributed Problem Solving,"
<<Proceedings of the Fifth IJCAI>, <<1>, 472, August 1977.
	(99) <<HPP-77-13>
	Tom M. Mitchell,
	"Version Spaces:  A Candidate Elimination Approach To Rule Learning,"
<<Proceedings of the Fifth IJCAI>, <<1>, 305, August 1977.
	(100) <<HPP-77-14>
	Reid G. Smith, Tom M. Mitchell, Richard A. Chestek, and Bruce G. 
"A Model For Learning Systems," <<Proceedings of the Fifth IJCAI>, 
<<1>, 338, August 1977.
	(101) <<HPP-77-15>
	E.A. Feigenbaum, R.S. Engelmore, C.K. Johnson,
	"A Correlation Between Crystallographic Computing and 
Artificial Intelligence," <<Acta Crystallographica>,
<<A33>, 13, 1977.
	(102) <<HPP-77-16>
	Randall Davis and Bruce G. Buchanan,
	"Meta-Level Knowledge: Overview and Applications,"
<<Proceedings of the Fifth IJCAI>, <<1>, 920, August 1977.
	(103) <<HPP-77-17 >(working paper)
	Bruce G. Buchanan,
	"Heuristic DENDRAL: A Short Summary," (class notes for CS 224, Spring 
	(104) <<HPP-77-18 >(working paper)
	Jerry Feitelson and Mark Stefik,
	"A Case Study of the Reasoning in a Genetics Experiment."
April 1977.
	(105) <<HPP-77-19>
	N. Martin, P. Friedland, J. King, and M.J. Stefik,
	"Knowledge Base Management for Experiment Planning,"
<<Proceedings of the Fifth IJCAI>, <<1>, 882, August 1977.
	(106) <<HPP-77-20 >
	Gretchen M. Schwenzer and Tom M. Mitchell,
	"Computer Assisted Structure Elucidation
Using Automatically Acquired 13C NMR Rules,"
in D. Smith, (ed.), <<Computer Assisted Structure Elucidation>, 
ACS Symposium Series, Vol. 54:58, 1977.
	(107) <<HPP-77-21 >(working paper)
	Hector Garcia-Molina and Gio Wiederhold,
	"Application of the Contract Net Protocol
To Distributed Data Bases," April 1977.
	(108) <<HPP-77-22 >
	Gretchen M. Schwenzer,
	Applications of Artificial Intelligence for Chemical Inference. XXVI
"Analysis of C-13 NMR for Mono-Hydroxy Steroids Incorporating 
Geometric Distortions,"  <<Journal of Organic Chemistry>, Vol. 43,
No. 6, 1978.
	(109) <<HPP-77-23>
	James G. Nourse,
	"Generalized Stereoisomerization Modes," <<Journal of
the American Chemical Society>, <<99>, 2063, 1977.
	(110) <<HPP-77-24>
	Kent Morrill, Dennis H. Smith and Carl Djerassi,
	"Computer-assisted Analysis of the High Resolution Mass Spectra of
Macrolide Antibiotics," submitted for publication.
	(111) <<HPP-77-25>
	Edward A. Feigenbaum,
	"The Art of Artificial Intelligence: Themes and Case Studies of 
Knowledge Engineering," <<Proceedings of the Fifth IJCAI>, <<1>, 1014, 
	(112) <<HPP-77-26>
	Tomas H. Varkony, Raymond E. Carhart, and Dennis H. Smith,
	"Computer Assisted Structure Elucidation, Ranking of Candidate
Structures, Based on Comparison Between Predicted and Observed
Mass Spectra," in <<Proceedings of the Twenty-Fifth Annual Conference 
on Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics>, Washington, D. C., 1977.
	(113) <<HPP-77-27>
	Hector Garcia-Molina,
	Overview and Bibliography of Distributed Data Bases, 1977.
	(114) <<HPP-77-28>
	Nils J. Nilsson,
	"A Production System for Automatic Deduction", Machine Intelligence 9,
<<Machine Intelligence 9>, 1977.
	(115) <<HPP-77-29>
	Edward H. Shortliffe,
	"A Rule-Based Approach to the Generation of Advice and
Explanation in Clinical Medicine," August 1977.
	(116) <<HPP-77-30>
	Edward H. Shortliffe,
	Clinical Decisions Based on Physician-Computer Interactions:
A Symbolic Reasoning Approach, presented at the Symposium on
Making and Using Medicial Decisions, Annual Meeting Society for Computer
Medicine, November, 1977.
	(117) <<HPP-77-31 >(working paper)
	Kjell G. Knutsen,
	Some Issues in the Design of Large Multi-Microprocessor Networks, 1977.
	(118) <<HPP-77-32>
	Edward H. Shortliffe,
	MYCIN: A Knowldge-Based Computer Program Applied to Infectious 
Diseases," presented at the First Annual Symposium on Computer
Application in Medical Care, Washington, D.C., Oct. 1977.
	(119) <<HPP-77-33>
	Randall Davis,
	"Generalized Procedure Calling and Content-Directed Invocation", in  the
Proceedings of Artificial Intelligence and Programming Languages 
Conference, Published as SIGART/SIGPLAN Combined Issue, August 1977, 
pp. 45-54.
	(120) <<HPP-77-34>
	Tomas Varkony, Dennis Smith, and Carl Djerassi,
	"Computer-Assisted Structure Manipulation:  Studies in the Biosynthesis 
of Natural Products", in Tetrahedron, 34, 841-852 (1978).
	(121) <<HPP-77-35>
	R. G. Dromey, Mark J. Stefik, Thomas C. Rindfleisch, and Alan M. 
"Extraction of Mass Spectra Free of Background and Neighboring Component
Contributions from Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry Data", 
<<Analytical Chemistry>, <<48>, 1368, August 1976.
	(122) <<HPP-77-36>
	Bruce G. Buchanan,
	"Issues of Representation in Conveying the Scope and Limitations of
	Intelligent Assistant Programs", Machine Intelligence 9,
	Machine expertise and human interface (eds. J. E. Hayes, 
	D. Michie and L. I. Mikulich) Chichester: Ellis Horwood Ltd.
	and New York: John Wiley. June 1979.
	(123) <<HPP-77-37 >(working paper)
	Avron Barr,
	"Meta-knowledge and Memory, November 1977.
	(124) <<HPP-77-38>
	Annemarie Wegmann,
	"Variations in Mass Spectral Fragmentation Produced by Active Sites
in a Mass Spectrometer Source," Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 50, No. 6,
pp. 830-832, May 1978.
	(125) <<HPP-77-39>
	Bruce G. Buchanan, Tom M. Mitchell, Reid G. Smith and C. Richard 
	Johnson, Jr.,
"Models of Learning Systems," in J. Belzer (ed.), <<Encyclopedia of>
<<Computer Sciences and Technology>, Volume 11, New York: Marcel Dekker, 
Inc., 1978, vol. 11.
	(125a) <<HPP-77-40>
	E. Feigenbaum, J. Lederberg, B. Buchanan
	"Final Technical Report for Contract Period  August 1, 1973
	through July 31, 1977, Contract DAHC-73-C-0435".  Submitted to
	ARPA October, 1977
.skip 2
	(125b) <<HPP-77-41>
	T.H. Varkony, R.E. Carhart, D.H. Smith, C. Djerassi,
	"Computer-Assisted Simulation of Chemical Reaction Sequences,"
	Applications to Problems of Structure Elucidation. Jnl. of Chem.
	Inf. and Comp. Science, 18:168 (1978).
.skip to column 1
	(126) <<HPP-78-1>
	Bruce G. Buchanan and Edward A. Feigenbaum,
	"DENDRAL and Meta-DENDRAL:  Their Applications Dimension,"
	Artificial Intelligence, 11(1,2)5(1978)
	(127) <<HPP-78-2>
	Reid G. Smith,
	"Issues In Distributed Sensor Net Design," January 1978.
	(128) <<HPP-78-3>
	Mark Stefik,
	Inferring DNA Structures from Segmentation Data: A Case Study,
Artificial Intelligence, 11(1,2):85(1978).
	(129) <<HPP-78-4 >(working paper)
	Hector Garcia-Molina
	Distributed Database Coupling, March 1978.
	(130) <<HPP-78-5> (working paper)
	H. Penny Nii and Nelleke Aiello,
	AGE ("Attempt to Generalize"): Notes on AGE-0 System, June 1978.
 	(131) <<HPP-78-6>(working paper)
	Hector Garcia-Molina,
	"Performance Comparison of Update Algorithms for Distributed Data 
Bases, 1978.
	(132) <<HPP-78-7>
	Reid G. Smith and Randall Davis, 
	Distributed Problem Solving: The Contract Net Approach, in Proceedings
of the Second National Conference of the Canadian
Computational Studies of Intelligence, Toronto, Canada, July 1978.

	(133) <<HPP-78-8>
	James G. Nourse,
	The Configuration Symmetry Group and its Application to Stereoisomer
Generation, Specification and Enumeration,
<<Journal of the American Chemical Society>, 101, 1210, 1979.
	(134) <<HPP-78-9>
	James G. Nourse, Raymond E. Carhart, Dennis H. Smith, and 
        Carl Djerassi,	
	Exhaustive Generation of Stereoisomers for Structure Elucidation,
<<Journal of the American Chemical Society>, 101, 1216, 1979.
	(135) <<HPP-78-10> (working paper)
	Alain Bonnet,
	"BAOBAB, a parser for a rule-based system using a semantic grammar",
	June 1978.

    	(136) <<HPP-78-11>
	Raymond E. Carhart
	"Erroneous Claims Concerning the Perception of Topological Symmetry",
	<<Journal of Chemical Information & Computer Sciences>, 18, 197, 1978.
	(137) <<HPP-78-12> (Working Paper)
	Allan Terry and Robert S. Engelmore
	"The Design and Evaluation of the First CRYSALIS System" July 1978
	(138) <<HPP-78-13>(working paper)
	Mark Stefik
	"An Examination of a Frame-structured Representation System, July 1979.
	Submitted to the Sixth International Joint Conference on Artificial
	Intelligence, August 1979.  (This is to replace September 1978
	version of HPP-78-13)
	(139) <<HPP-78-14> 
	James G. Nourse
	"Applications of the Permutation Group in Dynamic Stereochemistry", in the Proceedings of the Conference on the Application of Permutation Groups to Chemistry and Physics, held at Bielefeld, Germany, 3-12 July, 1978.
	(140) <<HPP-78-15>
	James G. Nourse
	"Application of the Permutation Group to Stereoisomer Generation for Computer Assisted Structure Elucidation", in the Proceedings of the
	Conference on the Application of Permutation Groups to 
	Chemistry and Physics, held at Bielefeld, Germany, 3-12 July

.Skip 2
	(141) <<HPP-78-16> (working paper)
	Lawrence Fagan
	"Ventilator Manager:  A Program to Provide On-Line Consultative
	Advice In The Intensive Care Unit". September 1978
	(142) <<HPP-78-17>
	Victor L. Yu, Bruce G. Buchanan, Edward H. Shortliffe, Sharon M.
	Wraith, Randall Davis, A. Carlisle Scott, Stanley N. Cohen
	"Evaluating The Performance Of A Computer-Based Consultant". To
	appear in Computer Programs in Biomedicine, Amsterdam: Elsevier/
	N.Holland Pub. Co., 1978
	(143) <<HPP-78-18> (Working Paper)
	Edward A. Feigenbaum
	"MOLGEN, A Computer Science Application To Molecular Genetics",
	October, 1977
	(144) <<HPP-78-19> (Working Paper)
	J.C. Kunz, R.J. Fallat, D.H. McClung, J.J. Osborn, B. A. Votteri
	H.P. Nii, J.S. Aikins, L.M. Fagan, E.A. Feigenbaum
	"A Physiological Rule Based System for Interpreting Pulmonary
	Function Test Results"
	(145)  <<HPP-78-20>
	N.A.B. Gray, D.H. Smith, T.H. Varkony, R.E. Carhart, B.G. Buchanan
	"Use of a Computer to Identify Unknown Compounds:  The Automation
	of Scientific Inference" Rev. of article by J. Lederberg.  For
	supplement to Biochemical Appl. of Mass Spectrometry, in G.R.
	Waller (ed.), October 1978.
	(146)  <<HPP-78-21> (working paper)
	V.L. Yu, L.M. Fagan, S.M. Wraith, W.J. Clancey, A.C. Scott,
	J. Hannigan, R.L. Blum, B.G. Buchanan, S.N. Cohen, R. Davis, 
	J. Aikins, W. VanMelle, E. Shortliffe, S. Axline
	"Antimicrobial Selection for Meningitis by a Computerized 
	Consultant - A Blinded Evaluation by Infectious Disease Experts",
	JAMA 241 (in press) 1979.
	(147) <<HPP-78-22> (working paper)
	Reid G. Smith, Tom M. Mitchell
	"Considerations for Microprocessor-based Terminal Design",
	November 1978.
	(148) <<HPP-78-23> (working paper)
	James Bennett, Lewis Creary, Robert Engelmore, Robert Melosh
	"SACON: A Knowledge-based Consultant For Structural Analysis",
	September 1978.  
	(149) <<HPP-78-24>
	Reid G. Smith and Randall Davis, 
	"Applications of the Contract Net Framework:  Distributed 
	Sensing."  presented at the ARPA DSN Symposium, CMU, 
	December 7-8, 1978.
	(150) <<HPP-78-25>
	William J. Clancey,
	"Tutoring Rules for Guiding a Case Method Dialogue,"
	to appear in The International Journal of Man-Machine Studies
	January 1979, November 1978.
.skip 2
	(151) <<HPP-78-26> (working paper)
	William J. Clancey,
	"An Antibiotic Therapy Selector Which Provides for Explanations,"
	(Expansion of a Short Paper by the same name, presented at 
	IJCAI 77), November 1978.
.skip 2
	(152) <<HPP-78-27> 
	Edward H. Shortliffe, Bruce G. Buchanan, Edward A. Feigenbaum,
	"Knowledge Engineering For Medical Decision Making:
	A Review of Computer Based Clinical Decisions," to appear in the
	Proceedings of the IEEE September 1979, February 1979. 
.skip 2
	(153) <<HPP-78-28>
	Reid G. Smith,
	"A Framework For Problem Solving In A Distributed Processing Environment",
	Ph.D. Thesis in Computer Science, December 1978.
.skip 2
	(154) <<HPP-78-29> (working paper) 
	Edward H. Shortliffe,
	Draft submitted for publication in Communication With Computers,
	Max Sime and Michael Fitter, editors, Academic Press, London,
	December 1978.
.skip to column 1
.skip 2
	(155) <<HPP-79-1>
	William van Melle,
	"MYCIN:  A knowledge-based consultation program for infectious
	disease diagnosis," appeared in Int. J. Man-Machine Studies 
	(1978) 10, 313-322, Academic Press Inc. (London) Limited,
	October 1977.
.skip 2
	(156) <<HPP-79-2>
	Tom Mitchell,
	"VERSION SPACES:  An Approach To Concept Learning",
	A dissertation submitted to the Department of Electrical
	Engineering and the Committee on Graduate Studies of
	Stanford University in partial fulfillment of the requirements
	for the degree of Doctor of Philosphy, December, 1978.
.skip 2
	(157) <<HPP-79-3>
	Nelleke Aiello, H. Penny Nii
	"Building A Knowledge-Based System With AGE,"
	submitted to Sixth IJCAI79, February 1979.
.skip 2
	(158) <<HPP-79-4>
	H. Penny Nii, Nelleke Aiello
	"AGE (Attempt to Generalize):  A Knowledge-Based Program
	for Building Knowledge-Based Programs," submitted to 
	Sixth IJCAI79, February 1979.
.skip 2
	(159) <<HPP-79-5> (working paper)
	L. Fagan, J. Kunz, E. Feigenbaum, CSD Stanford University
	J.J. Osborn from PMC, San Francisco
	"Knowledge Engineering for Dynamic Clinical Settings:
	Giving Advice In The Intensive Care Unit," submitted to
	Sixth IJCAI79, February 1979.
.skip 2
	(160) <<HPP-79-6> (working paper)
	Avron Barr
	"Meta-knowledge and Cognition," submitted to Sixth
	IJCAI79, February 1979.
.skip 2
	(161) <<HPP-79-7> (working paper)
	William van Melle,
	"A Domain-independent Production-rule System For Consultation
	Programs," submitted to Sixth IJCAI79, February 1979.
.skip 2
	(162) <<HPP-79-8> (working paper)
	Alain Bonnet,
	"BAOBAB-2      Understanding Medical Jargon As If It Were A 
	Natural Language," submitted to Sixth IJCAI79, February 1979.
.skip 2
	(163) <<HPP-79-9> (working paper)
	William J. Clancey,
	"Dialogue Management For Rule-based Tutorials," submitted to
	Sixth IJCAI79, February 1979.
.skip 2
	(164) <<HPP-79-10> (working paper)
	Jan S. Aikins,
	"Prototypes:  An Approach to Knowledge Representation for
	Hypothesis Formation," submitted to Sixth IJCAI79, February
.skip 2
	(165) <<HPP-79-11> (working paper)
	A. Barr, W. Clancey, J. Bennett
	"Transfer of Expertise: A Theme of AI Research," April 1979.
.skip 2
	(166) <<HPP-79-12>
	Ann Gardner
	"AI Handbook--Search," April 1979.
.skip 2
	(167) <<HPP-79-13>
	James S. Bennett, Robert S. Engelmore
	"SACON:  A Knowledge-Based Consultant For Structural Analysis,"
	submitted to Sixth IJCAI79, April 1979.
.skip 2
	(168) <<HPP-79-14>
	J. R. Quinlan
	"Induction Over Large Data Bases,"
	May 1979.
.skip 2
	(169) <<HPP-79-15> (working paper)
	Douglas B. Lenat
	"Cognitive Economy,"
	June 1979.  Submitted to Sixth IJCAI79, August 1979.
.skip 2
	(170) <<HPP-79-16> (working paper)
	Robert S. Engelmore, Allan Terry
	"Structure and Function of the Crysalis System,"
	July 1979.  Submitted to Sixth IJCAI79.
.skip 2
	(171) <<HPP-79-17>
	William Clancey, James Bennett and Paul Cohen
	"Applicaton-oriented AI Research: Education,"
	July 1979.
.skip 2
	(172) <<HPP-79-18>
	Larry M. Fagan, Edward H. Shortliffe, Bruce G. Buchanan
	"Computer-Based Medical Decision Making:  From MYCIN to VM,"
	to appear in Automedica, July 1979.
.skip 2
	(173) <<HPP-79-19>
	S. Jerrold Kaplan
	"Cooperative Responses From A Portable Natural Language
	Data Base Query System," Ph.D. dissertation, University of
	Pennsylvania, July 1979.
.skip 2
	(174) <<HPP-79-20>
	Edward H. Shortliffe, Bruce G. Buchanan, Edward Feigenbaum,
	"Knowledge Engineering For Infectious Disease Therapy Selection"
	in Proceedings of the IEEE, Vol. 67, No. 9, September 1979.
.skip 2
	(175) <<HPP-79-21>
	Anne Gardner, James Davidson, Terry Winograd,
	"Natural Language Understanding," to be submitted to Handbook
	Of Artificial Intelligence, August 1979.
.skip 2
	James S. Bennett, Bruce G. Buchanan, Paul R. Cohen 
	"Applications-oriented AI Research:  Sciences and Mathematics"
	to appear in Handbook of Artificial Intelligence, August 1979.
.skip 2
	Victor Ciesielski, James S. Bennett and Paul R. Cohen,
	"Applications-oriented AI Research:  Medicine"
	to appear in Handbook of Artificial Intelligence, August 1979.
.skip 2
	(178) <<HPP-79-24>
	Robert Elschlager and Jorge Phillips,
	"Automatic Programming"
	to appear in Handbook of Artificial Intelligence, August 1979.
.skip 2
	(179) <<HPP-79-25>
	Alain Bonnet
	"Schema-shift Strategies To Understanding Structured Texts In
	Natural Language"
	submitted to American Journal of Computational Linguistics,
	August 1979.
.skip 2
	(180) <<HPP-79-26>
	Edward H. Shortliffe, M.D., Ph.D.
	"Clinical Knowledge Engineering:  The MYCIN Project"
	appeared in "Inference & Decision Making Processes in 
	Medicine," Proceedings of First International Workshop
	on Methodologies for Disease Control, August 25, 1979
	Tokyo Japan.
.skip 2
	(181) <<HPP-79-27>
	Ramez El-Masri, Gio Wiederhold
	"Data Model Integration Using The Structural Model,"
	in ACM-SIGMOD 1979, May 30-June 1, 1979, pp. 191-202.
.skip 2
	(182) <<HPP-79-28>
	Bruce G. Buchanan
	"Steps Toward Mechanizing Discovery," presented at The
	Pittsburgh University Conference on the Logic of Diagnosis,
	October 1978.
.skip 2
	(183) <<HPP-79-29>
	Peter E. Friedland
	"Knowledge-Based Experiment Design In Molecular Genetics,"
	Ph.D. dissertation, Stanford University, October 1979.
.skip 2
	(184) <<HPP-79-30>
	Jonathan King
	"Exploring The Use Of Domain Knowledge For Query
	Processing," submitted to ACM SIGMOD Conference
	(May 14-16, 1980), December 1979.
.skip 2
	(156) <<HPP-80-1>
	Avron Barr
	"The Representation Hypothesis," submitted to
	CSCSI Conference, Victoria, B.C., April 1980.
.skip 2
	(157) <<HPP-80-2>
	Mark Jeffrey Stefik
	"Planning With Constraints," Ph.D. dissertation, 
	Stanford University, January 1980.
.skip 2